Our Cheese and Awards

Bath Soft
This square cheese is soft and yielding with a white bloomy rind.
Once cut into, it reveals an ivory-coloured interior. The flavour is mushroomy and creamy with a hint of lemons.
It comes wrapped in parchment paper with a red wax seal.This Cheese dates back to the time of Admiral Lord Nelson who, in 1801, was sent some by his father as a gift. It was recorded that Nelson’s sweetheart was ‘gratified’ by the flavour of this cheese.
The cheese weighs approximately 250 grammes.

Wyfe of Bath
Succulent, nutty and creamy. This semi-hard cheese is redolent of buttercups and summer meadows. It is made by placing the curd in cloth lined baskets.
The cheese retains the basket shape and has a soft light caramel colour. It is made with vegetarian rennet.
Wyfe of Bath takes its name from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and, like the tale, when you cut into a Wyfe of Bath you will get a taste of old England.
This cheese can be purchased as a whole (approximately two kilos) or in segments. An Extra Mature version is also available, aged between one and two years.

Bath Blue
Cow’s milk, Bath Blue was crowned overall champion at the 2014/15 World Cheese Awards.
Louis Aird, one of the World Cheese award judges from Canada described it as
“poetry; like a river of cream over rocks, a perfectly balanced blue cheese with long, long lingering flavours."
Ripened for eight to ten weeks to give a creamy blue veined taste and a characteristic, clean aroma, Bath Blue has been likened to Stilton – try it and see how you think it compares.

Merry Wyfe
An award-winning washed-rind cheese made with our Wyfe of Bath curds which are pressed and then washed in cider every other day for four weeks (hence the name ‘Merry’ Wyfe!).
The cider is made here by Graham Padfield from apples harvested on the farm. This cheese has a distinctive pungent orange (edible) rind and a rich, creamy texture typical of our cheeses; a beautiful addition to our range.
Only launched in May 2017, the “Merry Wyfe” has already won gold at three cheese awards: The World Cheese Awards, the Artisan Cheese Awards at Melton Mowbray and the Global Cheese Awards at Frome.
It is a pasteurised and vegetarian cheese and comes as a 200g segment, a 330g mini round of a 3kg whole cheese.